Lydia Belle Caldwell

February 17, 1906 - February 3, 1999

Lydia Belle Luther was the sixth child of Robert and Ella Luther. In adulthood, she was always referred to as Aunt Liddy.  Lydia married Charles Caldwell in 1929 and they moved into and renovated what used to be the families “summer kitchen” just a few hundred feet from the farmhouse where she grew up.  They were married in the living room of the home they were to share their entire life together.  Charles, or Uncle Chuck, as most of us called him, was also a “Mr. Fix-it” type of guy, similar to Uncle Newt.  He ran his own gas station for a number of years, and then worked for Penelec, the Pennsylvania Electric Company,  for over 35 years. The Caldwell’s had 7 children in all, 4 girls, and 3 boys.  They are as follows:  Lucille, Robert, Dianne, Barbara, Jim, Karen, and Brian. Lydia was a school teacher before she was married, and returned to that profession during WWII for several years.   She was also active in the “Farm Women of Pennsylvania” group, as well as a member in the Cambria County Republican Club.

Lucille & Antone Hunter

Robert & Christa (Roberts)

Diane & Paul Huborik

Barbara & Richard Mills

James & Jackie (Shendow)

Barbara Cilluffo

Karen & Fred Abel

Brian & Marquiete 

Candice Kane